Sunday, January 23, 2011

Touch Typing Part 2

I have to explain myself for last night's post. After dinner I was so jazzed up to learn to touch type (which I am doing right now), I headed downstairs to the barely used family desktop to get my own private typing lesson from none other than Mavis Beacon. Actresses aside, she is probably the third most recognizable black woman behind Oprah and Michelle Obama.

In high school, typing class was mandatory. Of course being a pimply teenager, I thought I knew better and just stuck with my own way of typing. I understand the usefulness of touch typing although I have to gripe about the Qwerty keyboard. What's the deal with putting the semi-colon key on the home row? 'J' on the right index finger--dumb. 'P' is in a pretty bad position as well. I could keep going...

After blazing through beginner and intermediate lessons, I decide to take the typing test. Little did I know, it took a grueling 17 minutes to complete the exam. I could feel Mavis breathing down my neck and hear her chortle every time I missed a letter but continued typing, which led to a string of missed letters. It was awful. Lastly, I learned that carpal tunnel is not reserved for graying receptionists. We're all potential sitting ducks so remember to stretch and take breaks.


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