Friday, January 28, 2011

Learn some ASL - Part 2

A special thanks to Matt for helping me put this together. I put everything I've got into this video. Enjoy

Sources: This guy is amazing. Check him out.

Complete a Sudoku ►


  1. Alex!!! You were amazing! That was great, a perfect way to start out my day. I've always wanted to know how to sign 'sing' (not really but i'm glad I know now :) )

    Also, as promised, here are a couple suggestions for upcoming blogs if you need some ideas:

    -snaking a drain (which may require clogging a drain first
    -changing the oil of your car
    -changing a flat on your car
    -how about learning to ride a unicycle!
    -starting a fire
    -baking a souffle (preferably Grand Marnier but chocolate would suffice)

    That's all I've got for the moment, keep on truckin!! :)

  2. Thanks Maggie!

    Those are some great suggestions. I'm not yet prepared to clog a drain in order to learn to fix it for the sake of this blog. The car maintenance ones are great. If the weather warms up, I might learn one of those. I would really like to learn to ride a unicycle! I'll keep my eyes peeled for flint and steel. The souffle sounds good (just added it to the calendar).

  3. Alex. Wow. i am so impressed! Thank you for posting that, it was really beautiful.
