Saturday, January 29, 2011

Raw Vegan

This past summer, my dad and I enjoyed many raw meals of mainly different salads, zucchini/squash pasta, cauliflower rice, raw lasagna, etc..We were eating incredibly healthy and thus we felt better about ourselves. Usually we'd fry an egg or two to round out our meal.

OJ, Spinach, Broccoli, Avocado
Today I wanted to challenge myself by eating only raw vegan food. It proved to be a challenge, a tad bit more difficult than I had anticipated. I wasn't sure if my oatmeal is raw so I couldn't have my normal breakfast. I ended up making a green smoothie which was a delicious way to start the day.

I had to pack a lunch for my afternoon class and was pretty disappointed with my choices. Meanwhile my mom questioned my motive  When I looked at the hummus I was saddened because it's made from "Freshly steamed chickpeas". I couldn't bring my daily intake of a couple handfuls of nuts as all of our nuts are roasted (le sigh). I couldn't eat anything in our upstairs nor downstairs pantry. Needless to say, I was pretty hungry when I got home.

For lunch:

Luckily I found this in the fridge which held me over until dinner.

Originally my dad was going to make a raw meal for dinner. He borrowed a raw recipe book from the library and I was excited to see what he'd come up with. Unfortunately he came up short as his plans fell through. I ended up making another green smoothie except my dinner looked like puke. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Breakfast smoothie
By the way, I was peeing about 4 times as much as normal. Something about eating so many fruits and veggies.

Relax a bit on the Off Day ►

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