Friday, January 14, 2011

My Fingers Smell Like Cheese

I have been looking forward to a day devoted to eating with my hands for a few years now. While in the Philippines, I was eager to try eating with my hands at a restaurant but unfortunately the opportunity never arose. The day that I thought would never come--is finally here.

In preparation for the day's lesson I watched the above video several times. It is obvious that decades of practice has molded this gentleman into an eating machine that understands the nuances of eating with his hands. He is a figure skater performing triple axles and Lutz jumps before an astonished crowd--10's from the judges across the board.

My breakfast normally consists of oatmeal with an assortment of nuts and raisins. Today I opt for a sunny-side egg and a peanut butter and banana sandwich on pita bread. The first meal was safe and easy.

Remember dear reader, the world's strongest men don't get jacked riding ellipticals. They use steroids. For me to even breathe the same air or God forbid, eat in the same room as the gentleman above, I had to challenge myself and thus I did the unthinkable. For lunch I packed quiche and rice.

Sweet Jesus was that a mistake.  

As I sat down to eat my zapped lunch, a stock exchange ticker tape scroll on repeat through my head reading, "Please don't see me. Please don't come in." My double edged sword of an office desk allows me to see out the front door but at the same time allows incoming people to see me shoveling my slimy fingers into my pie hole. This was the most excruciating meal experience I'd ever had. 

I recognize the faux pas of eating with your left hand in India but 1. I'm not in India, 2. I'm a lefty, and 3. I wipe with my right hand. But even with my left hand, I have trouble comprehending why it was so difficult to eat with my hands. Watching me eat is like watching a whale explode in Taiwan. If you think eating chocolate covered strawberries with your hands is sexy, I don't suggest you watch the video.

WARNING: This Is Disgusting


  1. This is FANTASTIC! I am thinking that some of the preparation, at least mental preparation for this, must have come from us here in our humble Schloss. I somehow falsely assumed that this was a Peace Corps Training video... but actually, you have made a great success out of forgetting to bring any silverware to work!! Very entertaining!

  2. i actually did this at an ethiopian restaurant in d.c. i think what went wrong here was the food container you used was too deep. you need something shallow where you can do that sweeping pickup motion in the first video.

  3. Quite a bit of my mental training happened at the Schloss before Stefan arrived. I spent a lot of time trying to keep myself entertained which is what I expect for the Peace Corps. Thanks Rob.

    And Stefan, I hadn't thought of that but I think you're absolutely right! There was no grace and my lack of finger dexterity didn't help either.

  4. May I ask what was for dinner? Or don't I want to know?

  5. Dinner was rice with veggies and some drummies which was not nearly as messy as the quiche. My mom was pretty grossed out though
