Wednesday, February 23, 2011

9 Minute Extreme Home Cardio For Ripped Beach Body

Pre Workout

Following an unannounced hiatus, I find myself bored and wondering what book to start reading. Instead, for your sake and mine, I'm going to get moving and learn something new. I came across this exercise video on Youtube a few weeks ago:

I've watched a few of this guy's videos that promote his "Six Pack Shortcuts" program which costs around a hundred bucks. He claims it's more effective than P90X (I doubt it). His exercise routines are short and intense, this one being 9 minutes (4 of which are rest minutes). While breathing heavily, he also claims it's a tough work out. I'm intrigued by the lack of hair in his armpits, I'll give it a shot. 
Post Workout

Before I could begin this workout, I obviously had to shed my shirt and unleash my uncontrollable muscle... and put some pomade into my hair.
The workout wasn't so bad. If anything, it's too short. Fifteen seconds is hardly enough time for me to locate and pick up the towel let alone actually raise it above my head. My breathing is pretty heavy but I must admit, I'm really out of shape. The most surprising thing was how strenuous the towel exercises are--who would have known? My shoulders are pretty shaky but I hardly broke a sweat.

Try it out yourself and let me know how you do.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh Craps

In January I visited the casino and had a pretty good time. It was a Tuesday evening when my buddies picked me up from work (sweet). One of my friends was well set on only playing Craps. He mentioned something about how the odds in Craps were better than any other games and I didn't believe him. I'm a Blackjack player, mediocre at best, and I'm confident that you have a better chance of beating the house in Blackjack. After getting Players Cards and deciding which area of the casino to play, our friend picked the very first table we came across. I stuck around as he tried to explain the rules again (he explained some in the car). I lost interest / I wanted to play Blackjack so I left.

Now that I'm doing this 1 A Day, I finally decided to sit down and learn how to play. I've quickly read through 3 different guides and have a better idea of what's going on. The guides all mention that Craps is a simple game but it intimidates people because 1. there is so much whooping and hollering going on at hot tables, 2. the table is huge and there are so many possibilities for betting (the table is actually same on both sides so more players can fit) and 3. there's a certain amount of lingo being thrown around at all the tables.

The place that I got tripped up on is the first bet, the Pass Line bet. Say you place a Pass Line bet of $5. So on the first roll, if the "shooter" rolls a 7 or 11, you automatically win your Pass Line bet back (win $5 on top of the original $5 bet). If the first roll happens to be a 2, 3, or 12, it's Craps and you lose your $5.

If the roll isn't craps (2, 3, 12) and it isn't 7 or 11, then that number becomes the Point (which can be 4,5,6,8,9,10,). Once the Point has been determined, the roller tries to hit that same number again before rolling a 7. If a 7 is rolled then you lose your Pass Line bet. As long as you don't hit the 7, you keep trying to hit the Point.

That's the most basic of the basic. There are many more bets that you can make, another example being the Odds bet which you place behind the Pass Line bet (no marked spot on the table). The purpose of the Odds bet is to bet more money behind your Pass Line bet. These are the bets that my friend was referring to that have "true odds". This means the casino doesn't take a cut of it and therefore gives the house less of an advantage. I still maintain that you have better odds of beating the house in Blackjack but everyone knows "The House Always Wins".

I tried craps online with good success, doubling my money in about 10 minutes.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Contrary to popular belief, Google does not know everything (like how to find tiny blogs like this one). You can now find this blog on Google! Woohoo!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learn to Read Palms

Palmistry is an ancient, ancient practice of fortunetelling. One would hope that it's more accurate then astrology because it's so individualized. Just like no two people's finger prints match, no two palms are alike (plus they change over time). But frankly, why do people believe that your date of birth influences your personality? I have higher hopes for palmistry.

To get a general overview of how to read palms, I decided to answer a palmistry questionnaire myself. After studying my hands and answering numerous multiple choice questions (a little easier than the SATs, I promise), I was ultimately rewarded with a free palm reading. I ended up doing this twice because the first palm reading wanted money for the results (ugh).

From answering the questions I got a good feel of what to look for when reading palms. First you look at the shape of the palm, hand, fingers, thumb: widths and lengths. Next you study the most important lines in order which are: Life (vitality not longevity), head (beliefs and philosophy), and heart (emotions and love events). You look to see how long or short the lines are, if they're straight or curved, whether they touch other lines or not, how deep they are, if there any breaks, if there are lines intersecting them, if there are circles in them (I have no idea what this means), if they fan or fork, where they begin and end...etc.

So I finished and here are my results.

I'll break down my "character".
You have a Fire hand Cool, fire!. This is known as the instinctive hand. You are creative and imaginative sure. You surround yourself with people Yeah, more comfortable in groups than alone not sure about that. You are generally unafraid to take risks Fine. You launch yourself enthusiastically into all your endeavors Uh, ok, driven by your passionate nature huh?.
You have a very unadaptable nature What?? I'm leaving for Albania next month.... Your inflexibility has left you with few life path options it has?. You have to work harder than most to adjust to new situations I do?. You have difficulty dealing with change, and you are fairly set in your ways Yikes.
You relish luxury, enjoying the finer things life has to offer Who doesn't?. You are highly sensual and social fine. You must be careful as you may be prone to addiction and overindulgence Spot on.
You are intense and full of vitality at times. When you make your mind up to do something, you commit fully to that objective and never settle for halfway ok.
You can be unpredictable sometimes I try. Most of the time, you are methodically minded, but occasionally you will make decisions based solely upon emotion and passion maybe.
You are a fairly straight forward person Yup. You don't typically worry too much that's for sure, though you may occasionally be prone to bouts of stress news to me and need to be careful not to keep things bottled up, only to explode later Explode?!.
 It goes on...

By now I'm completely turned off by palmistry. I will continue no more with this hocus-pocus, mumble-jumble. Here's what I learned: If you're ever reading someone's palm, just make it up.


Learn a Language

You might have heard of Tim Ferris' bestseller, 4 Hour Workweek or his new book 4 Hour Body. I still haven't made up my mind as to whether he's the real deal or a sly dog scam artist (he's probably somewhere in the middle). In his first book/blog he gives some good tips about learning languages in 3 months (which is just about the same amount of time I'll be training in Albania).

I think his very best tip of both his books and blogs is to use a list of the most frequently used words in English and then translating them into the target language. He ends up giving you two 100 words lists: most used written and most used spoken.

Guess what I'll be doing during downtime at work.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tie a Bow-tie

This is a well made tutorial on how to tie a bowtie.

Unfortunately I forgot to get a bowtie....Anyone have one I could borrow?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Write a Haiku

Powder trickling
Ominous sky unleashes
blanketing the field

powder slowly pours
from the looming sky before
blanketing the turf

powder slowly pours
forth the ominous sky ere
blanketing the turf

Any help or suggestions?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day


Sunday, February 13, 2011

French Press

Today I learned how to make coffee using a fancy French press, courtesy of my coffee enthusiast friends. We started off by boiling the water and grinding the coffee beans. I assembled the press and we added the water to the grounds. Using a wooden chopstick (not a metal stirrer) I stirred the concoction and let it steep for 4 minutes. Once time was up, I pressed the press and voila--pour and serve.

The toughest part for me was the actual consumption. The coffee was definitely much better than my first batch but I didn't enjoy it as much as my friends. Oh well, I'm sure I'll like my 50th cup.

Tonight I'm getting together with some friends to figure out Bridge. Wish us luck!

Friday, February 11, 2011


This is a really detailed guide to playing bridge.

Read it and we'll get together this weekend to play.


Today I was supposed to learn to make a souffle but unfortunately never got around to it. Instead I made raw cauliflower rice for dinner (one of the best dishes I've ever made), watched a little of the Celtics game, and learned how to iron like it's my job. This guy is unreal. Stop reading right now and watch the video.

So I ironed my damp shirt and it wasn't until I finished did I realize there were shiny marks all over the shirt. Crap. The iron was set to Cotton and my shirt wasn't cotton. So first lesson: make sure you know what material you're ironing. Polyester warrants the delicate setting.

Upon searching the internet, I learned that I had in fact "scorched" the polyester. Second lesson: preventative measures to not leave marks include ironing the shirt inside out or ironing a damp cloth on top of the item. Some say that the scorch is unscorchable. Third lesson: to remove the marks, a couple people recommend using a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water, dipping a cloth into the liquid, and then press the article with a warm iron and the cloth covering it. I tried it and don't really know if the marks came out, it's hard to tell. We'll have to see tomorrow.

I really want to make the souffle so I'll make some time this weekend to do so.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Crane

Have you seen the Paper Plane yet?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Whenever I hear that people don't know how to play Hearts, it is my duty to give them a lot of crap. Every Windows machine comes with Hearts, how can you not know how to play? At the same time, every Windows operating system comes with Minesweeper and I didn't know how to play...until today (so you can't give me crap).
Rough Loss
What the hell? 2nd Click?
It's like being in a dark room, fumbling around for the one light switch that won't electrocute you. It's a little nerve wrecking (slight understatement).  No second chances and definitely no 1-Ups. One wrong click and you're screwed. I might be the first to say this but Minesweeper is hardcore.*

Want to give it a try yourself? Learn to play here.

One more thing I learned today is at, you can opt out of getting those "Pre-Approved" credit cards. Save yourself from junk mail and the world will be a better place. The downside is you have to give your SSN.

* After a Google search, and I am in fact not the first person to make this statement.

The Minesweeper Challenge
The CURRENT RECORD for Beginner Minesweeper goes to Stefan with 14 secs. Beat it. 
Rob Fishman with an unbelievable-til-you-see-it secs is the NEW LEADER. Can you do it in 4?
Not the hardest puzzle but an impressive time!

Stefan's incredible 14 sec

Stink at Minesweeper? Go fold a Paper Crane

Monday, February 7, 2011

Buy a Girl A Drink

Buying girls drinks is something that I don't do very often. In fact, I've jumped off cliffs more times than I've paid for a girl's beverage. This wasn't an easy task as it not only contradicts my beliefs (I totally agree with this guy) but I also received more attention than I wanted from family and onlooking friends.

Friday Night:

I failed to plan and therefore obviously planned to fail. My sister and I didn't leave the house until around 9:30 and I decided I wanted to check out the newly opened Margaritas. A couple minutes after taking off my jacket I realized how horrendous my error in judgement was. Most everyone there was paired off (including myself). My head slowly surveyed the bleak surroundings and came up short. The good part was I got to try a Godfather (scotch and amaretto) which was really good.

'Tis a lesson you should heed,
Try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again. - Thomas H. Palmer (1782 - 1861) Teacher's Manual (1840)

Saturday Night:

My friend volunteered to drive us out to Waltham, a college town close by. We got to the bar, grabbed some drinks, and seated ourselves at a table. My friends filled me in on their scouting reports and honed in on a couple girls at the bar. "Go NOW" Morpheus AKA my friends commanded one when of them got up. I strolled up to the bar and half-sat while patiently waiting for the insanely tall bartender to tend to my needs. Looking at the brunette, I hoped she would feel my presence and look up. Instead, she was engrossed by whatever Facebook, Twitter, Wasteoftime that was on her phone (ugh). Eventually the other girl came back, I got my drink and struck up a conversation. After several minutes of talk about Jews, Brandeis, and tattoos, I offered to refill their drinks. They quickly declined. I insisted but to no avail. I asked another girl later in the night and she respectfully declined as well.

There is an easier way of doing this which is to ask the bartender/server to get so-and-so another drink. This is dumber than the idiot who tried to rape Antoine Dodson's sister, for real. If I ever buy a girl a drink, she's going to have to earn it with semi-interesting conversation, not a one sided interrogation, and she has to be somewhat cool (I've adjusted my expectations accordingly). It may never happen again.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Learn the Days of the Week in Albanian

Nothing fancy today. I downloaded BYKI (Before You Know It) an electronic flash card language tool (thanks Jeff). It's a simple program and if you can't afford Rosetta Stone it's a legal alternative. So I learned the 7 days of the week:

Monday - e hënë

Tuesday - e martë

Wednesday - e mërkurë
Byki Seriously Addictive Language Learning 

Thursday - e enjte

Friday - e premte

Saturday - e shtunë

Sunday - e dielë

You can go here to watch Leila make over emphasized facial expressions while she says each word

Enough with the infomercial. Go Buy a Girl a Drink

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Electric Slide

A long time ago, right before I went to my first wedding, my sister found it absolutely imperative that I learn the Electric Slide: the quintessential wedding line dance. I can't remember if I was actually brave enough to show off my razzle dazzle on the dance floor. Anyhow, as a big fan of line dances (Cotton Eye Joe is my favorite), it is of utmost importance for me to re-learn the Slide (and anyone else who attends American weddings should do so as well).

This is slightly embarrassing but oh well, I can handle it. Like my friend Evan says, "you can laugh if you want to."


Learn the Days of The Week In Albanian ►

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Card Throwing

After 1 ruined deck of cards, 1 fatigued forearm, and 1 hour of my life I'll never see again; I present to you:

Boogie doing the Electric Slide ►