Friday, February 11, 2011


Today I was supposed to learn to make a souffle but unfortunately never got around to it. Instead I made raw cauliflower rice for dinner (one of the best dishes I've ever made), watched a little of the Celtics game, and learned how to iron like it's my job. This guy is unreal. Stop reading right now and watch the video.

So I ironed my damp shirt and it wasn't until I finished did I realize there were shiny marks all over the shirt. Crap. The iron was set to Cotton and my shirt wasn't cotton. So first lesson: make sure you know what material you're ironing. Polyester warrants the delicate setting.

Upon searching the internet, I learned that I had in fact "scorched" the polyester. Second lesson: preventative measures to not leave marks include ironing the shirt inside out or ironing a damp cloth on top of the item. Some say that the scorch is unscorchable. Third lesson: to remove the marks, a couple people recommend using a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water, dipping a cloth into the liquid, and then press the article with a warm iron and the cloth covering it. I tried it and don't really know if the marks came out, it's hard to tell. We'll have to see tomorrow.

I really want to make the souffle so I'll make some time this weekend to do so.

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