Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Electric Slide

A long time ago, right before I went to my first wedding, my sister found it absolutely imperative that I learn the Electric Slide: the quintessential wedding line dance. I can't remember if I was actually brave enough to show off my razzle dazzle on the dance floor. Anyhow, as a big fan of line dances (Cotton Eye Joe is my favorite), it is of utmost importance for me to re-learn the Slide (and anyone else who attends American weddings should do so as well).

This is slightly embarrassing but oh well, I can handle it. Like my friend Evan says, "you can laugh if you want to."


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  1. Oh Alex, you seriously slay me. I did in fact want to laugh...and did so. Which is always a little awkward as I'm in the office.

    Speaking of awkward, I'm really glad you're a) wearing your sandles while dancing, b) you're alone dancing and c) those rare and precious moments when you forget this is getting video taped you and really get into it.

    Thank you so much for this post, I truly enjoyed it. Also looking forward to tomorrow :)


  2. I seriously contemplated whether or not to post the video. I'm glad you liked it though.

    As for tomorrow night, I wanted to play Ultimate but we'll see what happens.
